How much is the shipping fee?

The shipping fee varies from product to product. At times, there will be discounts and special promos. Check on the particular product for the shipping fee and always be updated with our promos and discounts on our various social media outlets.


Do you have free shipping?

YES! As we’ve said, we have some promos and discounts with our products. At special times, we will offer free shipping for our products. Also, we will have items for FREE and all you need to pay is the shipping. Check out our announcement on our homepage or on our social media outlets.


When will my order arrive?



Can I cancel my order once it is placed?

As soon as you place your order, we immediately process it in our inventory so unfortunately, you cannot cancel placed orders. Be sure that you are 100% sure about purchasing the product before proceeding to checkout.


Do you have a return policy?

No problem! Please make sure you read this in detail.

We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on our products.

We honor this for up to 30 days after purchase.

Products must be in the original state the same as it was sent to you.

We do not refund shipping charges.

Contact Us with any question you may have about your potential return.

Where can I contact you in case of concerns with the products?

You can reach us by sending us an e-mail on our Contact Us or sending us a message on our social media outlets.


For any questions that may have not been answered here please Contact Us !